19 October 2016 NZ Super Fund’s Climate Standards “Underwhelming” – Press release 19th October, 2016 350 Aotearoa has called the NZ Super Fund’s climate focused investment standards that were announced today “underwhelming” due to a lack...
17 August 2016 Press Release – Ratification Can’t Replace Real Action on Climate Change PRESS RELEASE 17 August, 2016 Ratification Can’t Replace Real Action on Climate Change Three-Fifty Aotearoa is sceptical that New Zealand’s ratification of the Paris Agreement...
2 August 2016 Auckland Council’s irresponsible investments in fossil fuels PRESS RELEASE August 2, 2016 Contact: Sandy Hildebrandt, sandy@350.org.nz Auckland Council is currently investing tens of millions of dollars in fossil fuel companies like...
12 May 2016 University Graduation interrupted with a call for fossil fuel divestment A University of Auckland graduate has called out his alma mater for not divesting from fossil fuels while crossing the stage to receive his degree...
6 April 2016 Students receive degrees covered in oil protesting UoA investments A mock graduation ceremony was held today where degrees covered in oil were handed out to students in protest at the University of Auckland’s failure...
29 September 2013 Five Anglican Church Dioceses lead the way in fossil fuel divestment 350 Aotearoa is celebrating another fossil fuel divestment announcement today, with news that the Dunedin and Taranaki/Waikato Dioceses of the Anglican Church have become the...