16 June 2018 Press Release: Coal Mining Rejection is a Win for People-Power Coal Mining Rejection is a Win for People-Power 350 Aotearoa commends Minister of Conservation, Eugenie Sage, and Energy and Resources Minister, Megan Woods...
5 June 2018 Simplicity Divestment Shows Turning Tide Against Fossil Fuel Industry Press Release5 June, 2018Simplicity Divestment Shows Turning Tide Against Fossil Fuel Industry 350 Aotearoa is congratulating KiwiSaver provider, Simplicity, on their decision to divest from...
10 May 2018 Press Release: Students fly banner protesting fossil fuel investments This morning, a group of students dropped an 8-meter banner reading: “Your Uni is funding climate change. VC Stuart McCutcheon divest now” from...
26 April 2018 Bill McKibben in NZ for The Climate change Tour PRESS RELEASE Bill McKibben in NZ for The Climate change Tour of Our Times 350 Aotearoa is proud to host the internationally acclaimed author, climate activist,...
12 April 2018 Government decision marks “the beginning of the end for the fossil fuel industry in NZ” – 350 Aotearoa Press Release 12 April, 2018 Government decision marks “the beginning of the end for the fossil fuel industry in NZ” – 350 Aotearoa 350...
8 December 2017 Global Climate Leaders to Discuss Path for NZ Press Release 8th December, 2017 Global Climate Leaders to Discuss Path for NZ 350 Aotearoa is proud to host 350.org international executive director, May Boeve, and Hon...
22 September 2017 The UoA Foundation are Finally Talking about their Fossil Fuel Investments. Now it’s time to divest Students and staff at the University of Auckland have been campaigning for almost three years for the University Foundation, who invest the University's endowment of...