We are part of a powerful climate movement in Aotearoa, working to deconstruct the pillars of support for the fossil fuel industry and dismantle the structures of oppression that enable it by running strategic campaigns and standing in solidarity with Māori, tangata Moana and frontline voices.
Our campaigns challenge the cultural acceptance of fossil fuels, and push New Zealand and the rest of the world back on track to 350ppm and, consequentially, climate safety (350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide—measured in “Parts Per Million” in our atmosphere. 350 PPM).
For screenreader users, you can read our Strategic Plan in a plain document here.
350 Aotearoa is guided by the four articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in conjunction with He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nū Tīrene. We tautoko whānau, hapū and iwi assertions of mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga. We recognise that hapū in Aotearoa never ceded sovereignty.
We recognise Mātauranga Māori is at the forefront of achieving climate justice in Aotearoa and our response to climate justice is guided, sustained and strengthened by the tangata whenua assertion of Tino rangatiratanga.
350 Aotearoa asserts that climate justice is only possible when whānau, hapū and iwi can realise kaitiakitanga and their aspirations for their rohe. We’re committed to working in right relationship with mana whenua. We commit to constitutional transformation by actively working towards the recommendations set out by Matike Mai Aotearoa – The Independent Working Group on Constitutional Transformation.
To demonstrate our commitment to the Matike Mai recommendations, we actively support wider movement work to reform the kāwanatanga (crown) sphere’, whilst supporting the expansion of the ‘rangatiratanga (tangata whenua) sphere’ which has yet to be recognised and respected by the crown. Working in right relationship means finding opportunities for appropriate collaboration, relationship building, and joint decision making processes, as we contribute towards the development of a functioning ‘relational sphere’.
We acknowledge the clear intersection of climate justice and Indigenous justice. The climate crisis is an intersectional issue that continues to uphold capitalist, colonial, white supremacist systems of oppression – and therefore disproportionately impacts marginalised communities.
350 Aotearoa is an organisation grown out of the international 350.org movement, on a journey of being rooted in this land in right relationship with whānau, hapū and iwi. We are an organisation that acknowledges, supports, and prioritises te ao Māori and te reo Māori in relationship to being manuhiri of this whenua.
Through our connection to the 350.org international community we stand in solidarity with Indigenous, frontline, and marginalised communities across the world. We prioritise relationships with others in 350 Oceania and uphold our responsibility to act in solidarity with our Te Moana-nui-a-kiwa neighbours and whānau.
In stating this commitment we know we will make mistakes, but we are committed to learning from these and making things right.
The work of 350 Aotearoa is sustained by our passionate teams of volunteers across the country, our small team of hard-working staff, our dedicated board, and our supporter base, who donate and amplify our work.
For screenreader users, you can read the annual report in a plain document here.
General Enquiries:
Email: 350@350.org.nz
Media Enquiries:
Email: alva@350.org.nz
Postal address:
98 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
1071 Auckland