350 Aotearoa is powered by our community. We receive no government funding, and we don’t accept money associated with gambling, tobacco, alcohol, or emissions-intensive industries. Instead, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to support our work in creating hard-hitting campaigns that erode the social licence of the fossil fuel industry and set a bold vision for a safe climate and to grow the power of our people-powered grassroots community.
Leaving a bequest is a powerful act of kindness to change the future for the better. You can be assured that 350 Aotearoa will be standing up for climate justice for generations to come. Bequests contribute to funding our ongoing work and help to sustain 350 Aotearoa for many years ahead. You will have a lasting impact on climate justice in Aotearoa and help to ensure that we will always be here to create a brighter, cleaner future for future generations.
When preparing your will, we recommend that you seek the assistance of your family solicitor or trustee company to ensure your wishes are properly documented. You will also need to let them know what kind of gift you’d like to make. There are a variety of ways to leave a gift in your will to 350 Aotearoa, depending on what suits you best. To read more information, please download our bequest information.
If you have any questions about leaving a gift to 350 Aotearoa in your will, or would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 350@350.org.nz.