How do you know when you’ve won a corporate campaign?
When the culprit has to go looking elsewhere!
We’ve got word that Adani is already circling another company insurer to fill the huge gap that AIG has left them with. That company is Lloyds of London.
This means while AIG are not saying a thing, we know that they have withdrawn from insuring Adani.
Remember, just a few weeks ago AIG was deeply tied up with Adani. AIG’s association with the Adani coal mine was a threat to the climate, to indigenous land rights, and it was muddying the All Blacks’ jersey in the middle of the Rugby World Cup.
We came together in solidarity with our friends fighting Adani in Australia, to send a clear message that New Zealanders will not be associated with climate destruction, and any new coal project must be stopped.
Here’s what we achieved together:
- Over 35,000 of us asked NZ Rugby to drop AIG until AIG drops Adani
- 3,500 of us wrote personalised letters to NZ Rugby and the All Blacks
- We exposed AIG’s embarrassing insurance deal in the media in Australia, New Zealand and the EU.
- We turned the heat up on social media during every All Blacks game in the Rugby World Cup -AIG’s most crucial branding event.
- Many of you chipped in donations to support the campaign or came on board as monthly 350 Aotearoa supporters.
- Hundreds of us had AIG New Zealand’s phones ringing off the hook, calling for them to drop Adani.
- We stormed AIG’s Auckland office to deliver a red card for foul play in the Rugby World Cup.
- Our campaigners met with the executive teams at New Zealand Rugby and AIG New Zealand, delivering powerful messages from thousands of you.
For now, we’re handing the reins back to our good friends at SumOfUs and Market Forces in Australia who are leading campaigns against Lloyds, and any other corporation that comes close to the Adani mine.
When it comes time for our climate movement in Aotearoa to support the #StopAdani campaign again, your energy and power behind the campaign have told us loud and clear than you’ll go all in to stop this project.
Until then, we will keep fighting for a fossil free future in Aotearoa, and calling out any corporate or institutional ties with the industry that is determined to keep wrecking the planet. To get involved with other people powered campaigns, join a local 350 group!
Stay tuned for what’s next!