Today we got awesome pictures, stories and a video from Christchurch that we want to share with you.
One of the events happened on Friday. This is what Anthony Fields, one of the organisers, told us:
“We had a stall in the re-start mall in Christchurch CBD on Friday. It was a really warm day, there was a live band and an almost festival atmosphere. Lots of people were interested in what we were doing and keen to have their photo taken in front of Westpac’s branch They were surprised to realise Westpac was funding a coal mining company!”

We were stoked to hear this, too, and see all the pics from Fridays action posted on Westpac’s Facebook wall!
The other Christchurch action happened today, and it seems that video shows pretty well what happened.
Yes, it was another die-in in Christchurch!
By setting up a “climate crime scene” complete with bodies, forensics experts and photographers, the group highlighted the way that money lent to mining companies such as Bathurst Resources is actively funding the destruction caused by climate change here and around the world.
As Anthony tells us, today’s flash-mob style event entertained shoppers for a few minutes with about 30 people suddenly acting as if they had died. Actors dressed in forensics suits set up a mock crime scene outside the Westpac bank, and checked the “bodies” finding that a climate crime had been carried out. Other volunteers handed out information leaflets to bemused onlookers.
Anothny adds that “Westpac like to make a lot of their claims to be sustainable and socially just, but lending to Bathurst makes a mockery of their claims. This money is being used to fund the actions that lead to climate change. Westpac must realise that they have to either stop financing Bathurst or stop making greenwash claims.”
We couldn’t agree more, Christchurch! Well done!