Monday, 13 May 2024

Climate justice organisation, 350 Aotearoa, are this week calling on airports around the country to end the gross display of excess wealth and climate destruction that is the use of private jets.

The use of private jets in Aotearoa is on the rise – despite private jets emitting around 15 times more climate-harming pollutants per passenger than a commercial flight.

Photo of 350 activits dressed up glamorously and walking over a catwalk, in the background is airport tower and activists holding banners that read "Luxury Emissions - Plane Foolish" and "End private Jets - 350"

350 Tāmaki Makaurau Action

“The impacts of the climate crisis are already harming people around the world who will never set foot on a plane, let alone a private jet”, says 350 Aotearoa volunteer, Nicola Campbell, “We need urgent action to cut emissions – and it makes sense to start with the emissions which are most wasteful and least beneficial.”

The climate organisation is calling on airports to issue a zero-tolerance policy for irresponsible luxury emitters and ban private jets that bear an enormous burden on our communities.

Photo of 350 activist dressed up glamorously and walking over a catwalk - money flying around and pouring champagne glasses, in the background is airport tower and activists holding banners that read " No moreLuxury Emissions" and "End private Jets"

Action at Ōtautahi Airport

“Our local airports have been rolling out the red carpet for the ultra-rich for far too long”, says Nicola Campbell… “We’re in the midst of an escalating climate crisis and a cost-of-living crisis – we cannot afford luxury freeloaders who are simply up for their own personal gain, while the rest of us have to make cuts.”

Queenstown, Christchurch and Auckland airports have private terminals for millionaire clients who fly in and out of the city by corporate jet, however, private jets pay only 2% of aviation fees, despite making up 8% of flights.


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