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The movement to remove investments from fossil fuel companies is taking off worldwide, and has kicked off in New Zealand with five Anglican dioceses having committed to remove their money from climate change. In October and November we are running a series of public divestment forums with expert speakers to discuss some of the big questions around this growing movement.

What is divestment? What will it contribute to the movement for a healthy climate and sustainable future? What are the alternatives and how can we demand divestment of institutions? Come to one of the events nearest to you – hear the financial experts explaining the financial case of fossil fuel divestment, NZ community members telling about local climate change impacts, climate action leaders sharing stories about previous and future actions, and find out how can you be part of it.

All the forums are free of charge, if you are coming please let us know on the Facebook event page of each event (click on the date and venue)


6 November, 6pm – 8pm
Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay

Dr Russel Norman – Co-Leader of the Green Party
Rod Oram (live-link) – Economic journalist and commentator
Ashlee Gross – 350 Aotearoa National Coordinator.

Pictures from Wellington forum here.


15 October, 18.00 – 20.00
Lecture Theatre 401, Building 401, 20 Symonds st, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Auckland

Matheson Russel – Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, The University of Auckland
Rodger Spiller
– Managing Director, Money Matters
Jeanette Fitzsimmons- Former co-leader of the Green Party and Coal Action Network organiser
Ashlee Gross– 350 Aotearoa National Coordinator

To find out more about public divestment  forums, get in touch with our campaign coordinator Jessie Dennis (jessie@350.org.nz) 

Pictures from “Let’s Talk Divestment!” Public Forum in Auckland

Ashlee Gross, 350 Aotearoa National Coordinator

Forum participants were the first to hear about the new Westpac campaign

Matheson RusselSenior Lecturer in Philosophy, The University of Auckland

Rodger Spiller, Managing Director, Money Matters