„Tweet, tweet!” Quite often we find out the latest climate-related events on Twitter. Weather you want hear what’s going on in New Zealand or follow climate change news on a more global scale, Twitter will know it first. The key is to follow the right people.
So we thought we would share a couple of good accounts to follow if you want to be informed on latest climate news, findings, events and more. On the global scale, Guardian has done a good job for us and put together Top 50 Twitter Climate Accounts to Follow – not only as an aerticle, but also as a Twitter list that you can follow. Together these 50 voices paint a pretty good picture on what is going on.
As for New Zealand, this is our list (in alphabetical order). We tried to list those who are tweeting regularly and frequently enough and whose content is useful and interesting. Since climate change is still quite a marginal topics, and not some many people and organizations focus only on that, most of these Twitter accounts will have bits and pieces on other topics, too. But that can’t hurt, right?
Coal Action Network Aotearoa – network of individuals and organizations who are trying to „keep the coal on the hole”. Climate change is just one of the reasons why coal has to go, and these guys are doing all kinds of amazing local events and actions to make it happen.
Generation Zero – Young New Zealanders working to cut NZ’s carbon pollution through smarter transport, livable cities, & independence from fossil fuels.
Greenpeace New Zealand with their more than 22k followers and „changing the world one tweet at a time from down under” are doing wonderful job on keeping us up to date on the state of our climate and environment.
Green Party of Aotearoa – if there is a political party who are interesting in climate change issues, this is it. Apparently their MP’s are „star performers on social media”, and their are never slow to engage with their audience.
Oil Free Seas movement – if you agree that oil drillers should stay away from New Zealand, and want to do something about it, these people will tell you what can be done.
Oxfam New Zealand – a world-wide development organisation that mobilizes the power of people against poverty. And since climate change has the most destructive impact on the world’s poorest and most marginalized, it has become a big part of their story.
WWF New Zealand with their campaigns, calls for actions, cool stories and pretty pictures.
Cindy Baxter – Comms, media and political strategist and campaigner particularly focusing on climate change. Has worked for Greenpeace and Government, and is a good source of info to find out what is going on the climate change playing field in New Zealand and around the world.
David Tong – a Kiwi guy from Auckland who has been active in the climate change movement for a while now, was an „Adopt A Negotiator” fellow in 2013, and tweets on not only climate change but other social and global issues as well.
Gareth Hughes, another tweeting MP from Greens, not only gives us regular updates to what is going on in Parliament regarding climate and other issues, but also engages in discussions with other tweeters, which is always nice. Because that’s what Twitter is about, right?
Nick Young, head of digital at Greenpeace in NZ („since before facebook”). Good ( and sometimes funny!) insights, retweets useful stuff that others don’t.
Russel Norman, MP and Green Party Co-leader, tweets quite frequently, about all kinds of important things, starting from „green” issues and ending with child poverty. Climate seems to be quite high on his agenda.
Climate News NZ – not sure who runs this account, but they are trying to follow and retweet everything climate related. A little bit random selection, but time to time they catch something interesting that we hadn’t noticed.
Hot Topic is a blog that covers climate change and its impacts on New Zealand. Good stuff.
P.s. If you know any other good Kiwi climate change tweeters, let us know! We will add them to our list.