23 November 2023 Investing for a Better Future Whilst we are building a people-powered movement that strengthens and grows climate action in communities across the motu, we know that collectively many individuals can...
24 January 2022 Are your KiwiSaver Investments fossil free yet? How you’re able to invest ethically AND support 350 Aotearoa all within a couple of minutes
13 May 2021 Press Release: Changes to default Kiwisaver standards reflect the power of people demanding climate action “The changes to default Kiwisaver standards reflect the power of citizens coming together to demand climate action. New Zealanders do not want their savings associated...
29 February 2020 Win! All default Kiwisaver funds to divest from fossil fuels We just won our people-powered campaign calling for the government to make our default Kiwisaver funds fossil free! This is massive!
29 February 2020 Changes to Kiwisaver standards a win for the climate over corporate interests After months of people-powered campaigning, the government announced that all default Kiwisaver funds will have mandatory responsible investment policies that exclude fossil fuel investments.
26 November 2019 The call for KiwiSavers that deliver on climate action Most New Zealanders don’t realise our hard-earned savings are being invested in the world’s biggest polluters. Here's what you can do.
18 September 2019 Default KiwiSaver Review Submission 350 Aotearoa support changing the default KiwiSaver settings to require mandatory exclusions of certain industries, in particular the exclusion of the fossil fuel industry. We...