27 August 2022 Press Release: Public installations to target Dunedin City Council 350 Ōtepoti has launched a new campaign that is focused on positive environmental steps the Dunedin City Council can take in achieving a fast and...
18 August 2021 Reflections from Aaron after 11 years as Chair of 350 Aotearoa As I close my time at 350 Aotearoa, naturally I have been reflecting on the impact we have made since we started out. I’m really...
11 February 2019 Seeing through the smokescreen; it’s not just a fire, it’s climate change. Dedicated 350 Aotearoa volunteer, Monica Nelson recounts the recent fires in the Nelson region and how her community are taking action on climate change.
25 November 2018 “One Struggle! One Fight! Ende Gelände, Hambi Bleibt!” Alex Johnston Alex Johnston describes his experience joining Ende Gelande, the movement of everyday citizens taking part in civil disobedience to end the age of fossil fuels...
27 July 2018 Climate action group calls on Auckland Museum to cut ties with the Fossil Fuel Industry 24/07/2018 Over the weekend, Climate action group 350 Auckland launched a campaign calling on Auckland Museum to cut ties with the fossil fuel industry. The...
17 May 2018 Karlo Mila’s Poem for The Commonwealth POEM FOR THE COMMONWEALTH 2018 By Karlo Mila Watch the video of Karlo at the Fossil Free Acceleration Tour (Auckland, 7th May 2018) here: We...
10 May 2018 Press Release: Students fly banner protesting fossil fuel investments This morning, a group of students dropped an 8-meter banner reading: “Your Uni is funding climate change. VC Stuart McCutcheon divest now” from...