Stop ACC from funding the climate crisis!


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The Accident Compensation Corporation just released its new Direct Investment Exclusion List which proves that they continue to neglect its responsibility as one of the largest public funds in Aotearoa to divest from fossil fuels.

Join us in stopping ACC from Funding the Climate Crisis and cutting its ties with the fossil fuel industry once and for all.

ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) is one of New Zealand’s largest Crown Entities. One of the ways that they pay for the services they provide is through a massive $50 billion dollars of invested funds. They decide where this money is invested and unfortunately this year they have yet again decided to continue to invest in fossil fuels.  

It is ethically irresponsible of ACC to continue to invest millions of dollars of public funds into the industry known as the most responsible for global emissions

Investing in fossil fuels allows those companies to continue to pollute the environment and accelerate the already desperate climate crisis. ACC needs to take responsibility and divest from fossil fuels. 

ACC could use its funds to build a better, healthier future for us all by investing in ethical industries. 

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.@ACCNZ is continuing to invest public funds into fossil fuels, the industry most responsible for the climate crisis. I'm asking ACC to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a better future for us all! #PublicFundForPublicGood #ACCGoFossilFree @350nz
.@ACCnz is one of the largest public funds in Aotearoa. This year’s Direct Investment Exclusion List details that they ethically do not invest in industries such as tobacco, but yet again in fossil fuels! Stop funding the climate crisis! #ACCGoFossilFree @350nz
@350nz is keeping big businesses, corporations, and governments in check when it comes to the climate crisis. Join us to be part of the movement and sign our petition asking ACC to stop investing in fossil fuels👉 #ACCGoFossilFree

Don’t be fooled by ACC’s empty, greenwashed policies. We’ve given one of the public funds’ latest ads a makeover to expose the harm ACC is causing by investing in international climate criminals like Gazprom, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil and OMV.

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