25 June 2019 Using KiwiSaver as a Tool for Climate Action We’re excited to share with you that one of our board members, Barry Coates, is launching Mindful Money. Mindful Money is a new ethical investment...
16 June 2018 Press Release: Coal Mining Rejection is a Win for People-Power Coal Mining Rejection is a Win for People-Power 350 Aotearoa commends Minister of Conservation, Eugenie Sage, and Energy and Resources Minister, Megan Woods...
10 May 2018 Press Release: Students fly banner protesting fossil fuel investments This morning, a group of students dropped an 8-meter banner reading: “Your Uni is funding climate change. VC Stuart McCutcheon divest now” from...
2 May 2018 How Bill McKibben changed my Life By Áine Kelly-Costello In 2013, I was just another uni student. I was staying at halls, looking for the odd interesting event to mosey along...
12 April 2018 Government decision marks “the beginning of the end for the fossil fuel industry in NZ” – 350 Aotearoa Press Release 12 April, 2018 Government decision marks “the beginning of the end for the fossil fuel industry in NZ” – 350 Aotearoa 350...
25 October 2016 Organisations Challenge NZ Super Fund – Open Letter Open Letter to the New Zealand Super Fund 26 October 2016 Dear Mr Orr, As the CEO of NZ Super Fund, we realise...