13 October 2022 Polar blast and coal The polar blast last week resulted in record amounts of coal being burned at Huntly power station to keep our lights and heaters on. Why...
10 October 2022 Pacific Islands leadership in the fight for a safer future The call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
30 August 2022 Is solar energy any better than coal? Unpacking some common misconceptions and beliefs about renewable energy generation.
6 July 2022 New Zealand’s electricity market: A tale of coal and corporate control What‘s wrong with the New Zealand electricity market and how people power can change course to set the sails for a 100% renewable energy future.
7 June 2022 Can we afford more fossil fuel boilers in schools, hospitals, and correctional facilities? Banning new fossil fuel boiler installations in the state sector is an urgent matter our House of Representatives needs to consider?