350 Aotearoa is the New Zealand arm of the international climate movement 350.org, which aims to unite the world around climate change solutions.
Read our full 2030 Strategic Plan
For screenreader users, you can read our Strategic Plan in a plain document here.
Our Vision
Our vision is for a safe climate and a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of engaged advocates.
A true honouring of te Tiriti
We believe in a future where tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake is guaranteed to Māori; to the benefit of us as a collective society
Interconnected & safe communities
We believe in a future where we have strong connections in our communities, and everyone feels safe and included
A healthy Papatūānuku
We believe in a future where we ensure that our climate, air, rivers, moana oceania and land can thrive, creating a healthier future for all. Our communities will flourish when our relationship with Papatūānuku is restored.
Resilient & accessible infrastructure
We believe in a future where our ways of living and travelling happen sustainably and are accessible to everyone.
Alternative economic models for our society
We believe in a future where our economic systems can acknowledge our inherent interdependence with one another, whilst supporting everyone to live a comfortable life within the boundaries of a safe climate and thriving ecosystem.
Our Te Tiriti Statement
350 Aotearoa is guided by the four articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in conjunction with He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nū Tīrene. We tautoko whānau, hapū and iwi assertions of mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga. We recognise that hapū in Aotearoa never ceded sovereignty.
We recognise Mātauranga Māori is at the forefront of achieving climate justice in Aotearoa and our response to climate justice is guided, sustained and strengthened by the tangata whenua assertion of Tino rangatiratanga.
350 Aotearoa asserts that climate justice is only possible when whānau, hapū and iwi can realise kaitiakitanga and their aspirations for their rohe. We’re committed to working in right relationship with mana whenua. We commit to constitutional transformation by actively working towards the recommendations set out by Matike Mai Aotearoa – The Independent Working Group on Constitutional Transformation.
To demonstrate our commitment to the Matike Mai recommendations, we actively support wider movement work to reform the kāwanatanga (crown) sphere’, whilst supporting the expansion of the ‘rangatiratanga (tangata whenua) sphere’ which has yet to be recognised and respected by the crown. Working in right relationship means finding opportunities for appropriate collaboration, relationship building, and joint decision making processes, as we contribute towards the development of a functioning ‘relational sphere’.
We acknowledge the clear intersection of climate justice and Indigenous justice. The climate crisis is an intersectional issue that continues to uphold capitalist, colonial, white supremacist systems of oppression – and therefore disproportionately impacts marginalised communities.
350 Aotearoa is an organisation grown out of the international 350.org movement, on a journey of being rooted in this land in right relationship with whānau, hapū and iwi. We are an organisation that acknowledges, supports, and prioritises te ao Māori and te reo Māori in relationship to being manuhiri of this whenua.
Through our connection to the 350.org international community we stand in solidarity with Indigenous, frontline, and marginalised communities across the world. We prioritise relationships with others in 350 Oceania and uphold our responsibility to act in solidarity with our Te Moana-nui-a-kiwa neighbours and whānau.
In stating this commitment we know we will make mistakes, but we are committed to learning from these and making things right.
Our Values
- We value and are guided by indigenous wisdom
- We work towards justice and collective liberation
- We are committed to grassroots-led change
- We are accountable to past, present and future generations
- We care for one another by creating safe, accessible and welcoming spaces
- We invest in meaningful collaboration
Strategies and Goals
We believe in a safe climate and a better future —a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people. Here’s how we get there:
- Revoke the social license of the fossil fuel industry
- Fight iconic battles against fossil fuel infrastructure
- Counter industry/government narratives
Help build a new, more equitable zero-carbon economy
- Promote investment in community-based sustainability solutions
- Support communities confronting the impacts of climate change & building climate solutions for an economy free of fossil fuels
Pressure governments into limiting emissions
- Run local and national campaigns targeting leaders
- Capitalise on big regional and international events, like climate negotiations and economic summits
Why we do what we do:
The science is clear: global warming is happening faster than ever and humans are responsible. The combustion of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, emits carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases when burned, causing global warming and climate change. A change in just a few degrees in temperature can completely alter the world as we know it, and threaten the lives of millions of people around the world.
Learn more about the science of climate change from the experts: